Butterfinger Pie

Friday, June 8, 2012 § 0

KC and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary this week... and in true Marine Corps form, we weren't together to celebrate it. Oh well, we've missed a lot of the minor holidays this year, and there will only be more with deployment on the horizon! He's on his way home now and I just whipped up a little desert so we could have something special with our semi-homemade pizza tonight. I stumbled on this desert on food.com, and it sounded so perfect I didn't even alter it. it was together in 3 minutes, and I licked the mixing bowl clean! 

Butterfinger Pie

1 12oz tub Cool Whip
8oz  cream cheese
1 bag fun sized butterfingers, or 6 normal bars, crushed
 (I used my magic bullet blender)
1 graham cracker crust

Mix first 3 ingredients and put in crust. done! 

I used a stand mixer and let the filling mix for a couple minutes until it was pretty thick.
Chocolate crust would be good too.

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You are currently reading Butterfinger Pie at The Lazy Maker.


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